Monday, June 27, 2011

Dinosaurs and Doggies

This past Friday I watched Gavin while Tommy and Heather had a night out on the town. Liesl was super tired so was in bed by 7:30. She slept though the whole evening so gave me time to focus on Gavin. He was super quiet and good for me. He ate a lot of popcorn and watched a few movies, colored and munched on snacks. Liesl woke up about 12:30 when Jim came home and snuggled with Gavin and I until he fell asleep on the couch at 1:30. He had his first overnight Yay Gavin!

Saturday we took Liesl and Papa Jack to the zoo to see the Dinosaurs. Pretty much that is what we saw too. All the other animals were resting and or out of sight there. We tried to see the Apes and got brief glimpses of them. Watched the camels and deer. Played on the playground briefly. Had snacks that I packed near the Coney Island and that was pretty much it.  Liesl was just as interested or more interested in the dinosaurs than any of the other times she had been there and studied them extensively. I think she actually spent more time studying them this time. While Daddy mowed the lawn, Liesl and I met some neighbors and accross the street to the beach and made sandcastles in the sand with their 2 girls.  They were very nice and I am hoping to hang out with them more.

Sunday, Liesl let us sleep in til 11. She came in and watched the Lion King and drank her chocolate milk until Momma woke up. We got a lot done in the garden and I planted some more vegetables in the garden. I think I am going to have to expand that area out to accommodate more. I transplanted some strawberries off the lawn into a pot to see if I can get some to grow. I have transplanted a raspberry bush as well. Evelyn sent me some of her plants from her garden. I planted some poppy seeds and a butterfly garden out front. I am hoping that it grows so late in the season (crossing fingers). We then got together all the doggie things we had left over and got supplies from Meijer like a crate and collar and picked up Stormy. We cleaned him up really good and started training in the crate. He is such a good dog, he has already found his potty spot and his place to chill when we are home and has gotten used to sleeping in the crate. He was sleeping like a log this morning in there. I am hoping to get him used to walks again. He is so much happier now. I feel better that he has a stable environment to live in. He sat outside on the leash for hours yesterday drying off, soaking in the sun and sniffing the air. He looked super happy and relaxed out there. Liesl is very gentile with him and loves to pet his soft fur. I will have to post pictures of the little guy soon.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Playing Catch - UP

The past couple weeks has been filled with Zoo time with the Perrys. We went again to see the Dinosaurs. It was just as exciting as the first time. The kids rode in the radio flyer wagon the whole way like tourists to an ancient land studying them as they went. We then visited the new National Coney next to the exhibit and then the Apes and polar bears which was enough. The little baby chimp was very cute and still small (the one that is Liesl and Gavin's age). He was still clinging close to his momma and she kept a watchful eye on him. The kids really enjoyed interacting in this exhibit with them and checking out both the gorillas and chimps.

Amber's shower was also a blast. Liesl and Autumn had a good time at Oma's house playing in the basement while we had adult time upstairs. It was a rough morning already with her and I was thankful for it. She was in a much better mood when we got done with the bike trip to Oma's to the party and could see everyone. Not that the bike ride did it. that actually cheered her up. I think she was taking issue to all of the rush of the morning and resisting the movement.

This past weekend for Father's day we went to the Stoney Creek Beach with the Perrys and went swimming. The kids had a great time snacking on the treats we brought with us and playing in the sand and water. They were in far longer that I think any of the adults cared to stay in. Later that day after lunch we all went for a bike ride after picking up the Perrys at their house to the Mill for ice cream on the Paint Creek Trail and then some playground time. Monday through Wednesday I had some time off and took Ota up to the cottage. We had a good time there playing in the lake. She actually enjoyed having her life jacket on. She tried many times to run out the back door to go into the lake and I had to chase her. We ended up having to lock up the house to prevent escape. A few times we kayaked to the playground on the other end of the lake to go swimming and play on the jungle gym and merry - go - round. We were playing a game on the jungle gym she called pirate/princess. I was Princess Coconut and she was Baby Pirate Captain Stegosaurus. She had captured me and locked me up in the cave as she said it and I would escape every once in a while. The second time we went to the park, Liesl and I got chased back by thunderstorms. It rained most of the weekend but we also managed to have 2 campfires and smores this weekend. Liesl enjoyed them but ate the smores as separate pieces. At one point I had turned my head and she downed a whole chocolate bar. On the way back home the rain was crazy. We decided to visit Oma Gabi for dinner and take some of their gear back home for them. Oma and Liesl and Grandad were happy to be reunited. Cant wait for mom to get back so I can have my biking buddy back.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Go on a bike ride Momma?

I hear "Go on a bike ride Momma?" every night....and I follow through for her. Pulling that bugger is like going twice the distance without it. I would like to see how fast I would go without it. Have been going about 20 or miles a night and last night I started Zumba on the Wii which is a pretty sweet workout game. It teaches you a bunch of dance moves and incorporates them into a workout, It is a very fun way of working out and I could possibly know what I am doing when Amber's wedding comes around. Liesl was asleep when I was doing it last night. I am curious to see her do it too. Think she is gonna like it. Jim really likes the music they have in it. Heather and I have been talking about opening up a home day care in the "Lorin basement"...."soon" we shall see how quickly I can get that going. I have to do some cleaning and remodeling and such and I would like to get some cots. Melisa has indicated that she might be interested in going in on it with us when her school year is up I think next year. So we would have a pretty decent "staff". Sounds like an awesome bunch of ppl to work with. Liesl would love it too. PLUS. it would allow Melisa to get pregnant sooner I just realized! I sure have enough stuff to have one. Liesl has really been enjoying the hot weather. Plays in the pool and on the swingset and slide. We makshifted a waterslide into her kiddie pool from the little tykes slide. She has been visiting places like Partridge Creek and playing in the fountains. We took the cover off Barb Gater's pool last night and she should have the pool ready by next Monday. Liesl is quite excited about it.

We went to the zoo for thier new Dinosauria exhibit last Saturday and Liesl was in her glory. The people around us got a big kick out of the way that she studied each of the dinosaurs and identified them and described them to us. They have such a big exhibit there. There was a 1/2 mile trail with I think over 25 dinos, all animatronic. It was like the Science center but outside and bigger but without being able to control the dinosaurs....ohe yeah and way cheaper! They also have a new coney island right outside the exhibit in the zoo. It was really hopping there. We didnt last long after the dinosaurs. She kind of had a little meltdown. It was hot and no nap yet so she crashed.

Tonight Liesl and Grady are gonna have  a play date and Liesl is pumped. I mentioned it and she hasnt stopped talking about it. She has been getting a lot of time with Kelly's kids Cayla and Colton. I guess they were all supposed to go for a ride in the buggers the other day and have not made it out.