Monday, March 24, 2014

Think spring

Liesl has really been getting into the swing of things with school. She is a real wiz at math and not so bad at reading. We have been doing her homework via the iPad apps the school has provided and studying her sight words she gets. She is making friends even though she is still super shy. The other day I was the mystery reader in school and she was so happy about it. Proud even. It felt awesome. There are few times she gets one on one with me. She and Jeannie are in swim lessons and making progress. Liesl is even learning strokes, treading water, floating and swimming a bit. Jeannie is very shy of everyone in class so is slower to making progress. I have a hard time leaving her with people as she has been throwing a fit when I leave, putting her coat and boots on and crying at the window or door. I have been getting ready to sell a bunch of baby gear at a mom to mom this weekend. I gave a lot of stuff to Melisa so I will be seeing the clothes again which makes me happy. They are so hard to let go of especially when both girls have worn them. We will be happy to see the snow go and go biking soon. We are all pitching in for a weehoo for Jeannie which is a recumbent bike trailer that allows her to pedal. Weeeehooooooo! I will like the freedom. Can't wait for school to be over too and get out into nature and planting. Getting stir crazy.