Friday, August 26, 2011

August almost to a close

Well I said that I would celebrate Liesl's birthday all month and we sure did. We had cakes all month and birthday parties. 3 in total to make make sure everyone was able to celebrate with her. Last Saturday we had one with all our friends and some family with all the little kids we could muster. We had 8 little kids there mostly around her age. We had the large blow up pool with the makeshift Little Tykes slide with a hose hooked up. Some of the little boys were jumping off the slide into the water. Little daredevils! All the little kids had such a good time together on the swingset and the pool. They had a great time with the pinata. Thanks to Vince for breaking open the treasure chest to reveal the candy. We had all kinds of treats for them and tattoos which they put on right away. Ran around with thier little eyepatches with skulls on them.

The weekend before we had Scott and Melisa, Oma Ronnie and Opa, Kimmee and Dennis over for cake and such. It was such a nice little gathering. We played with all of her new toys together esp the play doh and took pictures of all the funny creatures we all made.

The weekend before that Oma Ronnie and Opa Peter had a party for her and invited Aunt Melisa and Uncle Scott. It was also a nice gathering with a beautiful Barbie cake. They were all special to her. Thank you everyone for making her birthday celebrations perfect. Love you!

Looking forward to maybe seeing the elephants in Sept when it cools off in OH. More zoo time with the Dinos before the exhibit closes in Detroit and maybe some more farm center time. Fall is my favorite time of year. Apple Orchards sound like so much fun now. Also looking forward to mom and dad's sailing trip and hooking up with them along the way. Next weekend, 4 day weekend, might do some kayaking up north with Oma Gabi, Daddy and Liesl.

Pregnancy schedule

This is what I believe to be my due date and how far I am along

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Baby Tierney on the way

I have been feeling a little off for over a month now. I have taken a few pregnancy tests in July but they were negative. But I knew something was going on. I was so positive that I avoided going too far in the hot tub, avoided alcohol and all the usual even though I had no proof. The day after Liesl's 3rd birthday I was so sure of myself that I knew I had to take another test. I was having some pretty severe symptoms of a baby. Monday I got up the courage to test if it was a baby or if there was something else crazy going on. I went to lunch and picked up a couple tests. When I took it in the work bathroom I was waiting and waiting for results that had so instantly appeared that I thought they were the control results. Then I looked again and still didn't believe it. When I got home I took another to show Jim I wasn't pulling his leg. Both positive. Yesterday evening I visited the Dr and got a blood test and got the positive results again today. Definitely pregnant but not sure how far along I am. Per my calculations and the way I am feeling I am thinking 7 weeks. We will see when I go into the OB and find out how far I am. I cant wait to hear the heartbeat and see an ultrasound. I wonder about the sex of the little baby. Liesl is excited about her new sibling. We have been talking about it and what it will be like to be a big sister. I will continue to discuss it with her so she is ready for the new change. I believe she will be a good big sis. I cant wait for her see/hear proof. Biggest decision now is whether to go to Crittendon or Beaumont.... I found a Beaumont Dr that has midwives in thier group. But then there is the closeness and familiarity and awesomeness of Crittendon. It seems like the one Dr that I didnt like out of the OB I had with Liesl is no longer with thier group which is great. We shall see. I have to make an appt soon here

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Birthday Celebrations

Alot happened in July and apparently I missed blogging in July and am only noticing almost half through August??? How could you Momma! Well, to catch this up:

Liesl knows her right from left and she knows others right from left. She can point out someone's right or left hand while facing them. Pretty good for an almost 3 yr old. I have been kind of concerned about her wandering eye, so much so that when I went to the optometrist I asked them about it. Apparently I really should take her to a pediatrician optometrist and get it checked out. She has been doing it more and more lately. I know my prescription has really increased in the past 3 years. She has been doing spectacularly on the potty. Yesterday was a 1 pull up day for her and she didn't even break a sweat. it is so funny watching her yell "I'm going poop!" and run to the potty to not have gone poop or tinkle in the pull up and make it. She really is loving her puzzles. Especially on the potty. She will whip out 3+ puzzles when sitting on there all on her own. I don't think she knows that she can do the puzzles outside of the bathroom sometimes. She was really upset in the car because of an accident she had. When we got to Ruby Tuesdays she announced to the whole restaurant that she had gone poop. There were several snickers. 

We went to the Fairytale Festival at the Ford house a couple weeks ago with Sandi, Dee, Scott, Melisa and Mom. Grady and Liesl had a blast with all of the kid friendly stuff like the playhouse, three Little Pigs houses, Story time carpet, wading pool which Liesl was the leader of the pack in getting everyone to swim. Both Grady and Liesl's diapers almost exploded from the absorption. There was a crazy Mad Hatter guy that did a really good job, Some princesses that the kids loved to talk to. Tattoos (Grady chose a boy fairy for his arm and Liesl chose a Pirate skull of course). We missed out on Cinderella's Carriage because the kids were starting to melt. had a little snack along the trail and met some pirates. All around a good day. Too bad I was on call that day and actually had to end up working while walking. thank God for Smart phones!

We have been going to the zoo quite often and visiting Liesl's dinosaurs. They never get old for her.She still studies them all individually and knows who they all are. I like how she can categorize what all of them are and names them. We took a little train ride at the zoo on Sunday on the way back home from Amber and Erin's Wedding (Congratulations you two). I dont think I have been on that train in over 25 years. It was really fun, especially to be able to go direct to the African Safari stuff right away. I cant wait for the new Lion exhibit to complete.

This past weekend was Amber and Erin's wedding. You guys did an awesome job. The venue was gorgeous. I wouldn't have changed a thing. Thank you so much for including Liesl in your day. She was very happy to be a lady in waiting to you and do all those girly things that go along with being in a wedding. She even got to wear her same flower girl dress that I love from Scott and Melisa's Wedding from the Fall and her crown. I put her hair up in little curls and rows with green jewels and the crown. She was so funny that day. I had to have several discussions with her on how important her job was and what was going on and who was following who and she was picture perfect. She kept telling me all day she was a bridesmaid and that she got married which was super cute. She walked down the aisle flawlessly with Autumn, rounded the front of the gazebo and sat down with mommy and got her "due sucker" for her perfect performance as promised. Thank you also to Aunt Gloria for the beautiful pictures you took of her in the gardens. I also cannot wait to see Amber's photographer's pictures. Although he had little patience for our little toddler's squirming and put her in very few group shots I think that he got some good ones thanks to Shannon and my antics behind the camera.  Liesl was the first one on the dance floor (even before dinner and was so stubborn about leaving it that she didn't want anything to do with me. She avoided me all evening thinking that I was going to take her off of it.

Liesl is quite the swimmer. She really is a little daredevil. She has been practicing with  Oma in Barb Gater's pool this summer  and hanging out with Colton and Kayla (Barb's grandchildren). We also have a bigger sized wading pool in our backyard that we have hooked up her little Tykes slide to and she goes in all the time. She has gotten used to blowing bubbles, getting her head wet, loves to jump into your arms in the deep end. Loves hot tubs and is starting to show beginnings of doggie paddle. I am hoping to get her into more lessons in the Fall. She spent hours in the pool right before the wedding 730 to 1030 and good for that too because she managed a good length nap before we had to get ready to go

Couple weeks ago Gavin and Liesl made cupcakes together (with the Mom's help of course). They turned out very well and the kids had a fun time doing it together. I was glad to get a bunch of pictures of them.

Gavin just turned 3 last week, happy birthday to you little guy. Your party was fun and your mom did a great job! I liked the little tent and decorations. Wish we didn't have so much going on that day

Sandi turned 70 and we all went to the Whitney to celebrate. All of the kids "hit the wall" at one time or another during the evening. thank god Ro works there and was able to get us a private room to contain them. I am glad that the kids did as well as they did and played nicely together minus a few flying objects during dinner. Thanks Dee and Sandi for the gift bags to help keep them occupied. Sandi, your speech was perfect, thank you for all you said. We feel the same about you too. You have been a big influence in our lives as well.

This year Liesl is having a Pirate themed birthday beach party. She is quite excited about the birthday and we have been ramping up activities in August and will be continuing through the month. uncle Dennis went to Gen Con and bought her a tri corner leather pirate hat. She is really loving it. thank you uncle D! She also loves her Thomas track and looking forward to going shopping with her own money.She has been practicing for her party with all kinds of mini celebrations. All last weekend she was getting cake and blowing out candles. She still knows that it isn't her birthday yet. When we mention it she says my birthday isn't today or isn't yet.

Yesterday Liesl went to the Bounce house with Kayla and Colton to start her celebrating. Mom said she had a blast running around there with them and there was no part that was left un-played on there. She then went to McDonald's play-land afterwards and continued the playing. She was so good I decided to take Oma and Liesl to see the Smurfs (which Liesl insisted on) wish I hadn't given her a choice. She has been going to the movies a bit this summer because Opa shouldn't be out in the heat. I don't think I hear any complaints from Liesl. She has seen Winnie the Pooh probably too many times to count and has gone to see Cars II  with Momma and Daddy. She loved it.