Monday, May 13, 2013

Climbing climbing

Jeannie has really been into climbing up and over and through everything. There is no stopping her.  Once you take her back down she climbs right back up. She has fallen a few times from her shenanigans. Speaking of falling,  Liesl fell yesterday on the cement and her headband cut her forehead open.  I almost took her in for stitches. She has been sporting a Winnie the pooh band aid since. We met the neighbour's grandchild as s result and the kids had a good time in the playhouse together.  We are almost ready to put all the rest of our vegetables in now.  I have almost all our beds prepared.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Dress up

Jeannie really has been into dressing up lately.  She loves to try on everyone's shoes and try on her clothes.  When I was putting in our new raised garden beds the other day Jeannie was trying to crawl into them. She was in up to her hips and shoulders in dirt.  She took 3 baths that day.
Liesl has been spending hours outside with her chalk and her fairie garden and playyhouse. She has been sneaking out any chance she got.  We should put on some door chains. 
Heading up to the cottage with Oma, Barb, and Colton.  We are going to have some fun.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

New stats

Jeannie is now 19 lbs 15 oz, 18 inch crown and 29 inches long.  The girls are both just under the 50th percentile.

Jeannie is doing very well with getting around.  She is a super fast walker.  When we were at the farm center she was practicing her animal noises and calling back to the sheep and goats.  She also started a new word, Duck. Her favorite game is peek a boo. She likes to reply with Boo. When the Elmo song comes on she sings "Lalala". She likes to bring books over and plop herself in a lap when you are sitting criss cross applesauce. We have been playing a bit outside and it has been hard keeping her from eating the dirt and rocks.

Liesl now has several imaginary friends. She Iris being the ringleader.  Some are babies and she makes  up elaborate stories about them. I gave her my old iPod shuffle and it is filled with kids songs. I love watching her dance around with that little pink iPod clipped to her skirt belting out "the cat came back"