Liesl does love to climb on the table... Dont know why. Last night she decided to get into her "Art Box" and thew everything on the floor...crayons, markers, paper, Play Doh, paint ...everything! Then she went onto the ground and started putting her crayons and markers in and out of the boxes. Wish she would play with them in the conventional way but she is putting things away.....Last night we also did a lot of playing with the Play Doh. She enjoys smooshing it and pushing it into the molds. She got to sleep in yesterday and Oma Ronnie came and picked her up and took her out to lunch and visited the Funky Frog. Oma Ronnie let me know that everyone was very impressed with how well behaved she was while all the other kids in the restaurant were less than well behaved. She had a good time yesterday at her Oma Ronnie's ond Opa Peter's house and was ready to pass out before we even got out of their sub.
Today Liesl went to Storytime at the Library. Oma Gabi said that she had a very good time there signing and playing with the rest of the kids. She also did Gym class for the first time today and had a very good time with that. Grandad took photos and Oma is going to blog a little later about it hopefully
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