Well, not all of us. Jim managed to escape the cold (which is an understatement). He took some Airbourne on Sunday and hasn't gotten any symptoms since. That is a change. Usually it is Liesl and I that manage to escape the colds! Well, she and I have been sick as a dog since Sunday. I stayed home with her Tues and Wed. Nose running like a faucet, wet cough, high grade fever at night, and a low one during the day. Even with the Tylenol and then starting yesterday with the Motrin per the Dr.'s orders she has been in a daze.
Tuesday, mom and I took her to Gymnastics and Storytime. In retrospect, wasn't too good of an idea. But the cold was not too bad for her Tuesday. She really enjoyed Storytime but she spent the 1/2 hour in my lap which was unusual for her. Gymnastics, she did very well. Climbed on all of the equiptment. Balance beams, "chin up bar", "high beam", and trampoline. She had a very good time there and it was hard to bring her home from it. She didnt sleep much afterward because of the congestion and was up for the rest of the day unfortunately. High fever again in the night
Yesterday, she woke up screaming and crying and was inconsolable for about an hour. I managed to get my mom on the line to call the Dr and get an appointment for her. I tried cooling her down with a bath but she was not having it. When I finally did calm her down with the sling, my body temperature regulated hers. She let me rock her standing up and watching Elmo in Grouchland until Oma got there to take us to the Dr.
She was so brave at the Dr. She cuddled with me as she was checked out and swabbed. Found out it isn't strep but probably a virus so we bought a vaporizer to help....which helped a lot. She hardly ate anything yesterday and with the congestion she cant nurse properly either. She did manage to get some OJ down though later in the evening and allowed me to rock her to sleep in front of Elmo in Grouchland for the 3rd time. All she did all day mostly was sit in my lap rocking and watching TV. I knew she was pushing through 2 teeth (one just breaking through and the other close to it. But found a third yesterday. 3 is a lot to push through. That would bring her up to.......4 on top... and 5 on bottom. And boy are they sharp.
She is doing a little better today and with her Oma Gabi
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