Our Day at the Zoo April 2, 2010
Oma and Grandad took me to the Zoo on yesterday. The weather was so nice that I walked around with short sleeves. We had a great time visiting the
animals at the zoo again. The polar bear celebrated the warm weather by jumping into the water while we were watching the seals
swim around in the Arctic Ring of life. The gorillas were out wandering in their exhibit as well as some monkeys. Grandad took lots of pictures of the animals while testing his camera.
Oma and I sat and ate yogurt and grapes while he
putzed with his camera.

I like all the animal sculptures around the zoo and love to climb on them as well. There were so many people there and lots of children. I walked most of the way. I love climbing on the picnic tables and I tried just about everyone in the park. I also fell in the dirt while doing that. The butterflies were abundant as were all the visitors to the butterfly house. We got some very closeup looks at the butterflies since they were not shy at all
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