Thursday, May 13, 2010

busy, busy, busy

We all have been super busy this past month with house stuff among other things. I couldn't believe it when I saw that I haven't been blogging for almost a month now about the little girl. Had a bit of Momma guilt there. I had just started earlier and the powetr went out in the middle of some good stories. Hope I can recreate it.

At the end of last month Oma Gabi and Grandad went on a bike trip with their club on the east coast for a week so I took a few days off to cover for her. Liesl did a lot of hanging out around town among other things like visiting the zoo a couple times. The day before Liesl and I went, she had gone with her Oma Ronnie and Opa and they had been in the process of learning peacock. When Liesl and I went the first time I took her in the backpack. When we got to the giraffe/zebra/peacock junction she started pointing and yelling at the top of her lungs "cock, cock, cock" which was hilarious. Since then she has been calling every bird she sees a "cock-cock" and sometimes a "pea-pea" which are almost equally as funny. She really loves to shorten words which is really funny and clever.

 She has really started to repeat everything you say.....EVERYTHING! She can say just about everything and she knows that we are amused so loves to repeat things for us. She has quite the sense of humor. One thing that she has started to do is say people's names. She really loves Shannon's name...and of course Aly's name....she loves Aly in general because she is a big kid and really looks up to her. very cute. She especially loves to play dolls with Aly. Liesl does love her dolls. She has really gotten into barbies in the past month. I got her a Happy Meal at McDonald's that had a Mermaid Barbie in it which she loves to carry around also an Ariel Barbie which she can take in the tub with her. Oma Ronnie and Opa Peter bought her a Barbie backpack to hold her Barbies and a Barbie and toddler Barbie in swimsuits that she can also take in the tub. She definitely knows how to say Barbie too. One night at the Perry's she had all of Aly's 20 or so Barbies laid out going "ooooh, ooooooh" the whole time. Then later on in the evening she had them all in a row like a sleepover  saying "night night" to them all.

This past Sunday was Aunt Gloria's 60th Birthday surprise party. Liesl had a blast visiting with everyone and playing with Gavin. She had been practicing Aunt Gloria and Shannon's names before we went along with the word suprise. She wouldnt stop saying SUPRISE when Shannon was on the phone with Aunt Gloria before she arrived and it was a wonder it was still a suprise when Aunt Gloria arrived. When she was running to her Oma Gabi later in the evening she fell right on her face and scraped it on the wood floor. After she stopped crying she said Shannon, Shannon....So I brought her to Shannon who gave her and ice pack which she walked around the house with for the next 30 min.

Yesterday at Oma Gabi's house Liesl came up with names for all of her baby dolls including the boys....All of thier names are ......Shannon.....No surprise there but completely hilarious.

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