This weekend I was like a machine getting the house in order. I was finally able to get Liesl's toddler bed together. Which she has been sleeping in since. She spent her nap in it yesterday for 2 hours and she slept for 8 hours in it last night until I took her out (still sleeping) to nurse so she would sleep through to 9 for daddy. A very successful night. I think she really likes the firmness of the mattress. I just need to get some cute bedspread for it. Was looking at a Tinkerbell set the other day that might do. I was also able to put up her name on the wall. get all of the Barbies hair conditioned :P and put all of her clothes away.
Some other things I was able to do this weekend was to get the sprinklers primed and working and on a timer.... Still have some kinks to work out but it is getting better every time, replaced the disposal, Got my studio cleaned up, the family room sorted out and the cables for the DVD player and Roku hidden away and the bathrooms sorted out. Even found my fish shower curtain and fishie rings to spice it up. Liesl loves the theme in the batroom with all of the fishes.
Liesl has been getting really god with the potty training. She has started to let us know when she has to poop and has been getting rewarded for it with stickers. Saturday, she decided that she wanted to sit on the potty to try and poop. She tried really hard to get something out, sat on there for about 15 min which is a really long time but was only able to produce a toot. I was so proud of her.
It was so hot out this weekend, Liesl spent most of the weekend in her pool with tons of sunscreen on. No matter how much sunscreen I put on and however often she still seems to look like the coppertone baby. She has such a tan going. And believe me, I am really good about putting on the sunscreen. She is liking being splashed alot. She wants me to splash her even on the face and then asks me to do it again. She is so much more comfortable with the water. Kind of like last weekend with her walking into the water with the life jacket without holding my hand at Lake James.
She has been doing alot of alone play with her Barbies having them act out things. But it is all in this Liesl speech. I call it "Sims" speech because it sounds just like the made up language from the Sims. her Barbies look so much better after I boiled their hair to smooth it out. Even the most problem Barbies hair look good now.
Oma Ronnie and Opa Peter took Liesl to Metro beach on Friday. She had a blast in their water park playing with the water squirting out of the ground. I will post some pictures later.
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