Saturday, April 6, 2013

Jeannie turning 1

Sunday Jeannie is turning 1. I can't believe how fast the year has gone by. She has advanced and changed so much in this year. Yesterday, when mom and I were at the toys r us I couldn't make my mind up on Jeannie's present so I put her down and asked her to choose. She walked up and looked at each and thought about it and then finally chose one by pointing at it. It was very cute. She has been allowed to choose a lot. Usually between cereal and baby food. She is always very decisive. The other day she called Robbie baby and then Robbie. It wasn't super clear but we could tell what she intended. They were sitting side by side at the lunch table. She can't wait til he can romp. Liesl is very excited to play with Jeannie and her new toys. The intention of a lot of the toys we got for her birthday were for the girls to play together. She gets better every day at walking. I think also she is pushing another tooth because she seems to be feeling her gums with her tongue.

We are all specially excited about Jeannie's new playhouse for the backyard fit with even window boxes we intend to plant our strawberries we started into. Not excited about the building of it. Also getting a sun and sand table from aunt melisa and uncle Scott which is oh so super exciting. We will be doing some serious outdoor playtime. Can't wait til Robbie can cruise and join in. I hope this playhouse doesn't get in the way of the super huge garden in the making. Have stepping stones planned and multiple bed sites and about 50 tomatoes and peppers each sprouted and thriving. Cucumbers came up a little. Herbs, strawberries, watermelon, pumpkin, beans and peas and carrots and more,. My lavender keeps getting bigger. Looking forward to expanding there too. Will also get some blackberries and raspberries for the side of the shed and my mothers day fruit tree of course

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