Sunday, June 23, 2013

Been a long time

Jeannie has been growing and changing like a weed. She now has 6 teeth, 4 on top and 2 on bottom. She doesn't just walk she runs everywhere. I have a hard time catching her if I am not stealthy enough and she is extremely sure on her feet. She loves to climb up on everything and I find her on the table quite frequently. She also tends to fall sometimes when she climbs up but she hasn't gotten any bruises from it surprisingly. The girls have been playing in the pool lately. I have tons of gardens and they know where to find food out in the back yard. Our cherry harvest is already over, it was nice when it lasted. Jeannie enjoyed it very much. Currently we are waiting for our enormous raspberry crop to ripen. We already have radishes and snap peas in and of course lettuce but our peppers and tomatoes are currently in stasis. Liesl is done with her swim lessons for the summer but we have been swimming wherever we can find a pool and she is doing great. Gymnastics is also coming along great. Liesl has been making friends left and right there and she is making progress with her tumbling. We have been taking zoo trips and farm trips and trips to Stoney to play on the awesome play structure. We visited the carnival when it was in Washington and Liesl gladly went on everything she was big enough for including the ride where you stick to the walls and the egg beater. She really enjoyed the giant slide and the ferris wheel and she even managed to get into the local paper with her sister while feeding the farm animals they had there. She also rode a camel! How many kids get to ride a camel? I never did. Thank you Kimmee for a great day. Looking forward to some cottage action and tons of fun with the neighbor kids. It is so cool having a kid next door she can go ask to come out and play.

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